Core Values
• Children are image bearers of God. Their most innate need is to know God. We will help them to know God deeply through a thorough investigation of his word (bible study and memorization), his creation (the arts and sciences) and his works (missions’ projects and acts of service).
• Excellence is within the reach of every child. Therefore we will cultivate an atmosphere of excellence where children can learn to reach their God-given potential. We will provide consistent opportunities for the development of reading, writing, math and technological skills.
• Teachers are called to be carriers of wisdom and resources. They will be highly prepared in both academic content and their Christian character. They love God and love children.
• Parents have responsibility for their children. We will create partnerships with all parents in order to share resources and support as they shepherd the hearts of their children.
• The kingdom of God is over everyone and everything. Therefore, we will place everything that we do in this institution under dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ.